
Target Amount

More H.O.P.E. Community Care will be taking in many that may have had to leave their belonging behind. In situations where a woman is running away from her abuser or where we may seen an orphan with no belongings on the street. We would hope that we will be able to provide clothing for them as it is a basic need. Imagine the comfort of a clean shirt that gives you self confidence. Sadly, millions in the country lack these basic necessities.

This is where our NGO steps in, striving to clothe those in need, from orphans to homeless. Your donation could mean a child or a struggling family gains access to clean, wearable clothes. Every dollar you contribute goes directly towards providing essential clothing items to those who need it most. With your support, we can make a tangible difference in the lives of countless individuals, offering them dignity, warmth, and hope for a brighter future.

Join us in our cause to clothe the nation, one donation at a time. Together, we can make a lasting impact and bring warmth and comfort to those who need it most.

Contact us if you wish to drop off clothes: contact us here

